In an ideal scenario, every customer call to a call center would swiftly connect them with a knowledgeable representative capable of addressing their needs. However, as businesses grow, achieving this becomes increasingly challenging. That’s where call routing systems for inbound call centers come in, determining how incoming calls are directed. Let’s delve into five common call routing systems to help you choose the best fit for your business.

  1. Set Order This basic form of call routing processes calls in the order they are received, with customers waiting on hold. It suits scenarios with manageable call volumes, uniform customer inquiries, or quick issue resolutions. Providing customers with their queue position or estimated wait time can enhance their experience.
  2. Skill-Based In a skills-based routing model, callers provide information at the call’s start, often through an IVR (Interactive Voice Response), guiding the call to the department best suited to handle the issue. This approach increases the likelihood of first-contact issue resolution, boosting customer satisfaction.
  3. Time-Based For businesses requiring 24-hour call center coverage, time-based routing considers day and time factors. This ensures calls are directed to live agents, potentially spanning different time zones or shifts to maintain continuous availability.
  4. Team-Based Team-based routing combines skills and time considerations. If your teams, located in various places, handle diverse customer issues, this system factors in call volume and agent availability across teams or shifts.
  5. Direct Extensions Primarily used for internal call centers or businesses with specific personnel requests, direct extension routing allows callers to enter an extension early in the call, directly connecting them with the intended recipient.

If multiple call routing systems seem suitable for your business, you can leverage flexible call center software, such as that offered by CallShaper. This software empowers you to switch between routing options based on time, day, or other business-specific factors. To explore these capabilities further, request a demo today