How CallShaper Supports Call Center Supervisors
“I’d like to speak to your supervisor,” is a phrase that call center agents undoubtedly hear often—likely more than they or their supervisors would hope. Even so, it’s not uncommon for customers to seek a second opinion or an alternative solution to their problem if they find the first one unsatisfactory (in most cases, by no fault of the agent delivering the solution). And if and when an agent does reach the point in a call at which they have run out of ways to be helpful, a supervisor may need to step in. CallShaper is well aware of [...]
3 Tools Insurance Companies Need in Call Center Software
Call center agents for insurance companies—whether that’s health, home, auto, life, or another type—play a critically important role for those businesses. Agents on the phone serve as the primary liaison between insurance companies and their customers—and in an industry that has a reputation for being difficult to navigate, a pleasant and helpful phone experience can go a long way towards fostering trust and goodwill between customers and the insurance company. But in order to be pleasant and helpful, agents need the correct tools and capabilities. Here are three tools that insurance companies need in their call center software. [...]
5 Reasons Data is Key to Success
If you’re trying to find someone in your company willing to sort through and analyze collected call data, you may be met with crickets. It’s a task that can be tedious and time-consuming, which is why a platform like CallShaper does most of the busy work of data collection, organization and analysis for you. That way, all you have to do is look at the results—and you should. Here are five reasons to take a deep dive into collected call data in order to optimize your business. It shows what drives sales. End-of-the-month or end-of-the-quarter sales numbers will [...]
The 3 “Y”s of CallShaper
CallShaper has grown and changed a lot since the platform was created in 2009. But even as the client base has expanded and the features have been refined and updated to suit their needs, the company’s goals for the software have not changed and the same three principles continue to drive it. We refer to those principles as the three “Y”s of CallShaper. They are: Simplicity. One of the things that separates CallShaper from other cloud-based dialing platforms is how simple it is to navigate and use. To get started with CallShaper, all you need is a short training [...]
4 Call Center Technology Trends for 2022
Call centers (especially those dealing with inbound customer calls) were greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As people spent more time at home they made more and more calls to customer service and support agents, many of which were complicated and difficult for agents to deal with. This trend has already begun shaping changes in call center technology and will continue to do so in 2022. Here, four trends to look out for in the coming year. More Advanced IVR When customers are calling an inbound call center, the vast majority expect whoever answers the phone to be [...]
CallShaper FAQs: Is CallShaper Good for Small Campaigns?
Each month, we will be highlighting a question we receive often from current and potential customers. This month’s question: Is CallShaper good for small campaigns? Yes it is! CallShaper is a great choice for any size telemarketing campaign, but especially for companies and organizations with smaller teams and smaller campaigns. The biggest reason: The dialer features and tools you have access to on CallShaper do not change based on the size of your campaign. When you start using the dialer, you will be given the full swath of tools available, regardless of the size of your campaign—from dynamic [...]
3 Types of Media to Drive Inbound Call Traffic
Many inbound call centers are created to respond to the inquiries and requests of existing customers. But another important role of inbound call centers is to receive calls from potential customers responding to media advertisements and calling to follow up on advertised deals. Here are the three types of media designed to drive inbound traffic and some of the pros and cons of each. Print Known as the traditional form of media, print advertisements appear in newspapers and magazines as well as in things like brochures, leaflets, newsletters and mailers. Depending on the type of print media chosen, [...]
How to Limit Agent Turnover in 2022
It’s not news that the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted the economy and the workforce, forcing people to rethink the type of lifestyle the want and the type of job or career that will best support that. This shift in worker thinking has also forced employers to reevaluate how they are treating their employees and what they can do to find and hold onto the type of people they want working for and representing their company. Here are some steps you can take to limit agent turnover in the coming year. Consider Embracing Remote Work for Good The [...]
Why CallShaper is the Best for Sales-Focused Call Centers
Call centers serve numerous functions in business today. There are fully staffed inbound call centers that field inquiries and requests from customers and clients and deal with things like order processing and tech support. There are automated call centers that help organizations stay in touch with their customers, sending things like appointment and scheduling reminders and account updates. Then there are outbound call centers, which can handle tasks like appointment setting, market research and sales. A sales-focused outbound call center is going to need different and specialized tools and capabilities in their dialing software than almost any other call [...]
3 Keys to Success as a Call Center Manager
Managing a call center is a tough job (especially in the current moment when many call center agents are working from home). Even so, there are steps you can take as a manager to make your job smoother and bring out the best in your employees. Here, three keys to success as a call center manager. Hire the Right Agents It’s no surprise that who the agents are plays a critical role in the success of a call center. As the manager, it’s your responsibility to take the time to thoroughly evaluate potential agents for your call [...]
Why Caller ID is the Key to Success in Telemarketing
Remember the days when phones didn’t have screens, just buttons? And they were attached to cords that were plugged into the wall? In those days, answer the phone was exciting, perhaps even thrilling. Even if you were expecting someone to call, you were never quite sure who was on the other end when the phone started ringing. That all changed when landlines got caller ID and when cell phones and smartphones became more widely owned. Now you could see who was calling and decide whether or not to answer the phone accordingly. Then that changed again as carriers started [...]
3 Ways You Can Route Inbound Calls
With the help of an interactive voice responder (IVR), you have the tools to help callers to your inbound call center solve their problems or achieve their goals in the most efficient, painless way possible. One strategy that will help you do this is to edit and curate the options in the IVR to best suit the needs of your callers and the solutions they are looking for. While the best way to do this is to track calls and adjust your IVR and menu options as you go based on the calls you receive, there are also simple [...]
Optimize Team Performance with Customizable Scorecards
Being a manager or a supervisor is a busy job. You’re expected to provide guidance to and keep tabs on your team, all while completing your own tasks and responsibilities. Such a busy work schedule provides little time for evaluating your team’s performance and providing the necessary feedback to improve connections or increase sales. The solution: Customizable scorecards that streamline the evaluation process. Supervisors don’t have time to answer or scroll past questions or categories on a pre-templated scorecard that they don’t care about. With fully customizable scorecards, they can only include the specific questions they are interested in [...]
Three Lists That Will Ensure Maximum DNC Compliance
Maintaining up-to-date knowledge of Do Not Call (or DNC) lists is incredibly beneficial for an outbound campaign. Your agents won’t waste time dialing people who will not become customers and your company won’t be at risk for litigation or becoming the subject of a boycott or smear campaign. In order to maintain maximum DNC compliance, there are three lists (or categories of lists) that you need to keep an eye on. National Do Not Call Registry The National Do Not Call Registry is just as it sounds: a nationwide list that telemarketers must abide by. At, people [...]
4 Things to Look for in a Quality Lead Source
Telemarketers need leads and those leads need to come from somewhere. A simple internet search will reveal that there are lots of lead brokers out there, yet each one is going to have slightly different offerings, which means that some might be better suited to your company and your product than others. Here are four characteristics to consider when you’re looking for a quality lead source. Price Different lead brokers are going to price their offerings differently and it’s up to you to decide on the best pricing structure for your business. Some charge by the lead or [...]